Q. Why are 350’s & 500’s (or other mixed categories), run in the same event?
Depending on the number of entries received it is sometimes necessary to combine classes. There are grid limits which also impact on how many bikes can start in a race. If we have to combine classes, every effort is made to match speeds and lap times.
Q. Why is the date of a particular meeting always different?
Date selection is difficult as the racing calendars are growing each year. Events such as Moto GP, World Super bikes and the Bonanza also have an impact as their dates often change and this can cause shortages with marshals, medical and officials. The Australian Historic Road Race Championships also move from state to state each year. HMRAV do their best to avoid clashes with major events.
Q. How do I start Historic Racing?
First of all, contact the club secretary, (details are listed on the website) and have a chat about your plans. Then down load a membership application and join the club. Licensing requirements are listed on the Motorcycling Australia website. Once you’ve worked through that, we suggest you attend a few track days prior to entering a race event. We also run Sprints, Hill climbs and Come and Try days if you want to get involved in competition without head to head circuit racing.
Q. Can I enter a race meeting on-the-day?
Only if it is a “closed to club” event but it’s not recommended. It’s also possible that the Race Secretary may not accept your entry. Competition events require a lot of planning and organization by the club and we may not be able to accommodate you at such short notice.
Q. Why have I missed out on a Pit Shed or I’m not in my usual location?
At Broadford there are a very limited number of pit sheds. Pit shed allocation is run on a first-in, first allocated basis. With 40 pit sheds and an average of over 200 competitors at our events, we do our best but sometimes it doesn’t work out for everyone.
Q. How can I assist?
Talk to us! Assistance is always required and our volunteers are vital. Our Volunteer Liaison officer is listed on the website – give them a call.
Come along to a committee meeting and get involved. There are always jobs that need doing and as the saying goes “many hands make light work”. Putting something back into the sport is very rewarding and if everyone gives up a small amount of time, the club and our sport will continue to grow.
Q. If I nominate myself for a task, am I locked in?
No of course not. Everyone has times when they struggle with commitments. The club and committee are always there to help.
Q. I posted in my renewal for membership and I have to get my licence processed for the next meeting.
Contact the Membership officer and have a chat. We have processes available to help but bear in mind that we are all volunteers with day jobs. Better to be a bit more prepared and organize things in advance.
Q. What type of licence do I get?
There are a variety of licenses available ranging from junior recreational to senior national licenses. The choice is yours and all the details are available on the Motorcycling Australia website. If you’re still unsure, contact a committee member and have a chat.
Q. Why join the HMRAV?
HMRAV are the largest historic motorcycle racing club in Australia. We run everything from Come and Try days to major open events like the Southern Classic. We are a family friendly club with lots of fathers and sons, mothers and daughters racing. We have strong links to all the other historic racing clubs around the country and have a friendly, social atmosphere at our events. The club has a number of women on the committee and is one of the very few clubs that actually have a Ladies Liaison officer. We only run Historic themed events and are always involved in any discussions regarding rules or changes to the historic racing scene.
Q. How are race numbers allocated?
Contact the club secretary and they will advise you on it. There is no national register and as is always stated on entry forms, numbers are allocated on a first in basis.
Q. Does my machine require a “log book?”
Yes. Machines entered into competition need to have a Log book. The applications and requirements are available from Motorcycling Australia website.